Typical National Dress: The Panamanian Pollera born from a female custome in seventeenth century.
Beside, we have two dresses, the luxury and the daily use,the costume generally white with a wide skirt flight with two or three sockets, with overlapping or embroidered floral design.
Beside, we have two dresses, the luxury and the daily use,the costume generally white with a wide skirt flight with two or three sockets, with overlapping or embroidered floral design.
¿Qué Aprendí?
R:Lo que yo aprendí es que la pollera panameña nace del traje español del siglo XVII.
A: I learned that the Panamanian Pollera borned from Spain according with the custome in seventeenth century.
Autor: Ditzanery Caballero y Naomi Amaya
Author: Ditzanery Caballero and Naomi Amaya